168 research outputs found

    Avaliação da adubação com micronutrientes em pastagens sob irrigação para produção de forragem e de sementes.

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    Produtividade e composição bromatológica de milho em sistema de plantio direto submetido a fontes de nitrogênio.

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    O nitrogênio é o nutriente mais absorvido e com maior influencia na produtividade de grãos para cultura do milho. O experimento foi realizado na FZEA/USP em Pirassununga-SP, com o cultivo de milho em sistema de plantio direto. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições e dez tratamentos: testemunha + gesso, testemunha absoluta, uréia, uréia + gesso, uréia + sulfato de amônio (SAM), nitrato de amônio (NA), NA + gesso, NA + SAM, SAM e Fusion Amonium Sulfate Nitrate (FASN) com objetivo de avaliar a utilização do FASN determinando os parâmetros produtivos e bromatológicos. Os maiores rendimentos foram obtidos pelos tratamentos com NA, SAM, FASN e as combinações, uréia + gesso, uréia + SAM, que adicionados à combinação NA + SAM, obtiveram as maiores eficiências de uso do N, enquanto que, os dois tratamentos sem aplicação de N foram inferiores aos demais tratamentos. Para os parâmetros bromatológicos não houve diferença entre os tratamentos, assim, concluiu-se que o FASN pode ser utilizado para o cultivo de milho em sistema de plantio direto com eficiência e produtividade semelhante a fertilizantes nitrogenados tradicionais sem alteração dos parâmetros bromatológicos

    Eficiência da fixação biológica.

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    A fixação biológica de nitrogênio é de grande importância para o melhoramento genético de leguminosas. Trabalhos anteriores mostram que a adubação nitrogenada pode ser dispensada com inoculação de Sinorhizobium meliloti. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o potencial de fixação biológica de nitrogênio, que pode ser influenciado pela estirpe de Sinorhizobium meliloti empregada, pela cultivar de alfafa avaliada e pela interação entre esses dois fatores

    Bonn Potential and Shell-Model Calculations for 206,205,204Pb

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    The structure of the nuclei 206,205,204Pb is studied interms of shell model employing a realistic effective interaction derived from the Bonn A nucleon-nucleon potential. The energy spectra, binding energies and electromagnetic properties are calculated and compared with experiment. A very good overall agreement is obtained. This evidences the reliability of our realistic effective interaction and encourages use of modern realistic potentials in shell-model calculations for heavy-mass nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Cold Dark Matter in SUSY Theories. The Role of Nuclear Form Factors and the Folding with the LSP Velocity

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    The momentum transfer dependence of the total cross section for elastic scattering of cold dark matter candidates, i.e. lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), with nuclei is examined. The presented calculations of the event rates refer to a number of representative nuclear targets throughout the periodic table and have been obtained in a relatively wide phenomenologically allowed SUSY parameter space. For the coherent cross sections it is shown that, since the momentum transfer can be quite big for large mass of the LSP and heavy nuclei even though the energy transfer is small (100KeV\le 100 KeV), the total cross section can in such instances be reduced by a factor of about five. For the spin induced cross section of odd-A nuclear targets, as is the case of 207Pb^{207}Pb studied in this work, we found that the reduction is less pronounced, since the high multipoles tend to enhance the cross section as the momentum transfer increases (for LSP mass<200GeVmass < 200 GeV) and partially cancell the momentum retardation. The effect of the Earth's revolution around the sun on these event rates is also studied by folding with a Maxwellian LSP-velocity distribution which is consistent with its density in the halos. We thus found that the convoluted event rates do not appreciably change compared to those obtained with an average velocity. The event rates increase with A and, in the SUSY parameter space considered, they can reach values up to 140 y1Kg1y^{-1}Kg^{-1} for Pb. The modulation effect, however, was found to be small (less than ±5\pm 5%).Comment: 23 LATEX pages, 4 Tables, 3 PostScript Figures included. Phys. Rev. D, to be publishe

    Quantitative sensing of microviscosity in protocells and amyloid materials using fluorescence lifetime imaging of molecular rotors

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    Molecular rotors are fluorophores that have a fluorescence quantum yield that depends upon intermolecular rotation. The fluorescence quantum yield, intensity and lifetime of molecular rotors all vary as functions of viscosity, as high viscosities inhibit intermolecular rotation and cause an increase in the non-radiative decay rate. As such, molecular rotors can be used to probe viscosity on microscopic scales. Here, we apply fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to measure the fluorescence lifetimes of three different molecular rotors, in order to determine the microscopic viscosity in two model systems with significant biological interest. First, the constituents of a novel protocell - a model of a prebiotic cell - were studied using the molecular rotors BODIPY C10 and kiton red. Second, amyloid formation was investigated using the molecular rotor Cy3.</p

    Actionable perturbations of damage responses by TCL1/ATM and epigenetic lesions form the basis of T-PLL

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    T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL) is a rare and poor-prognostic mature T-cell malignancy. Here we integrated large-scale profiling data of alterations in gene expression, allelic copy number (CN), and nucleotide sequences in 111 well-characterized patients. Besides prominent signatures of T-cell activation and prevalent clonal variants, we also identify novel hot-spots for CN variability, fusion molecules, alternative transcripts, and progression-associated dynamics. The overall lesional spectrum of T-PLL is mainly annotated to axes of DNA damage responses, T-cell receptor/cytokine signaling, and histone modulation. We formulate a multi-dimensional model of T-PLL pathogenesis centered around a unique combination of TCL1 overexpression with damaging ATM aberrations as initiating core lesions. The effects imposed by TCL1 cooperate with compromised ATM toward a leukemogenic phenotype of impaired DNA damage processing. Dysfunctional ATM appears inefficient in alleviating elevated redox burdens and telomere attrition and in evoking a p53-dependent apoptotic response to genotoxic insults. As non-genotoxic strategies, synergistic combinations of p53 reactivators and deacetylase inhibitors reinstate such cell death execution.Peer reviewe

    Cocaine, d -amphetamine, and pentobarbital effects on responding maintained by food or cocaine in rhesus monkeys

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    The effects of IM injections of cocaine, d -amphetamine, and pentobarbital were studied in rhesus monkeys whose lever-press responding was maintained under a second-order fixed-interval, fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement. Within each session, fixed-interval components, ending with the IV injection of 30 μg/kg cocaine (one group of monkeys) or the delivery of a 300 mg food pellet (second group of monkeys), alternated with fixed-interval components ending without an injection of cocaine or the delivery of food (extinction). Drug pretreatments generally caused comparable dose-related decreases in the overall rates of responding reinforced either by cocaine or by food. Response rates during extinction usually increased and then decreased as the dose of each drug increased. An analysis of the drug effects on response rates in different temporal segments of the fixed intervals showed that in both the reinforcement and extinction components, the normally low control rates of responding which occurred earlier in the intervals were usually increased, while higher control rates which occurred later in the intervals were increased less or decreased. Thus, the effects of these drugs were relatively independent of the reinforcing event (food or cocaine) and tended to depend more on the ongoing rate of responding under these conditions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46409/1/213_2004_Article_BF00427508.pd

    Pargyline-induced increases in sensitivity to the effects of drugs on operant behavior in pigeons

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    Pigeons responded under a multiple fixedinterval 5-min, 30-response fixed-ratio schedule of food reinforcement. Acute pargyline doses between 10.0 and 50.0 mg/kg (i.m.), given immediately prior to the session, decreased responding. Daily administration of 50 mg/kg pargyline (24 mg/kg, every 12 h) initially decreased responding. Tolerance developed so that after 4 days of daily pargyline, responding had returned to control values. Chronic pargyline resulted in an enhanced sensitivity to the effects of d -amphetamine, ephedrine, tyramine, and morphine on schedule-controlled responding. Both d -amphetamine and pentobarbital increased fixed-interval responding at relatively low doses, while higher doses decreased responding. Daily pargyline resulted in an increased sensitivity to both the increases and decreases in response rates produced by d -amphetamine. In contrast, sensitivity to pentobarbital was not changed after daily pargyline. Ephedrine, tyramine, and morphine only decreased fixed-interval responding. Chronic pargyline resulted in an increased sensitivity to the response-rate decreasing effects of ephedrine, tyramine, and morphine. In addition to the increased sensitivity of fixed-interval responding to the effects of tyramine, the dose-effect curve for fixed-ratio responding was also a shifted to the left. Daily pargyline did not result in changes in sensitivity of fixedratio responding to the effects of the other drugs tested.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46399/1/213_2004_Article_BF00426607.pd

    Drug-perturbation-based stratification of blood cancer

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    As new generations of targeted therapies emerge and tumor genome sequencing discovers increasingly comprehensive mutation repertoires, the functional relationships of mutations to tumor phenotypes remain largely unknown. Here, we measured ex vivo sensitivity of 246 blood cancers to 63 drugs alongside genome, transcriptome, and DNA methylome analysis to understand determinants of drug response. We assembled a primary blood cancer cell encyclopedia data set that revealed disease-specific sensitivities for each cancer. Within chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), responses to 62% of drugs were associated with 2 or more mutations, and linked the B cell receptor (BCR) pathway to trisomy 12, an important driver of CLL. Based on drug responses, the disease could be organized into phenotypic subgroups characterized by exploitable dependencies on BCR, mTOR, or MEK signaling and associated with mutations, gene expression, and DNA methylation. Fourteen percent of CLLs were driven by mTOR signaling in a non-BCR-dependent manner. Multivariate modeling revealed immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene (IGHV) mutation status and trisomy 12 as the most important modulators of response to kinase inhibitors in CLL. Ex vivo drug responses were associated with outcome. This study overcomes the perception that most mutations do not influence drug response of cancer, and points to an updated approach to understanding tumor biology, with implications for biomarker discovery and cancer care.Peer reviewe